Outside the Box

New Worship Experience
August 19, 2008, 8:23 pm
Filed under: Church Design | Tags: , , , , ,

I am in the process of helping Chris Dowd at Arapaho UMC in Richardson, Texas create a new worship experience.  We have done a lot of research to try to target young adults in the Richardson, University of Texas Dallas region.  So far, we are trying to create a budget to transform their fellowship hall into an intimate worship experience.  I drew a quick sketch in SketchUp, a google owned company, to layout the room.

We are trying to go for a mystical look by blacking out the walls, adding a lot of candles, and focused on a projection screen.  It is sort of a coffee house feel, but a bit darker and more intimate.  We created an experiencial path that leads you on either side of the worship space into the actual worship setting.  This provides a barrier or transition from the outside area to set the atmosphere for the service.  We hope to include all five of the senses (taste, smell, touch, sight, and hearing) into these transition paths.  This project will focus a lot on the mixture of creativity and liturgy.  We continue to ask the question, how can we incorporate the aspects of liturgy in a unique, meaningful, and relevant way each time.  Let me know if you have any ideas.

Worship Venue

Worship Venue